Kathy Keller Salvi breaks Illinois Republican bylaws and names disgraced financial elderly abuser to chairman of the ILGOP finance committee
The shocking appointment of Brian Kasal exposes Illinois GOP Chair Kathy Keller Salvi long history of reckless political behavior.
When Personal Injury lawyer Kathy Keller Salvi ran for Congress in 2006, she took a controversial stance, supporting lifting limits to personal injury lawsuits.
Her self-serving idea was met with a wave of criticism from her opponents.
Instead of addressing the core concern, Kathy Keller Salvi sent out mailers using Ronald Reagan’s image to condemn the idea of criticism.
Chicago Tribune
Foreshadowing her tenure as ILGOP Chair, Kathy Keller Salvi used biblical language to make the non-biblical point that criticism, not corruption, should be condemned.
WGN press conference / State Rep Tony Mccombie (left), Brian Kasal (center), Kathy Keller Salvi (right)
As a result, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation formally asked Kathy Keller Salvi to cease sending the mailer.
Chicago Tribune Article on Kathy Salvi misusing Ronald Reagan’s likeness here
President Reagan himself understood that Kathy comes from the dark lineage of Al Capone Republicans where criticism of “bosses” was, in fact, worse than any Biblical sin.
Facebook/ Kathy Salvi
Kathy's Grandfather, Nicholas Keller I, was the Republican state rep of IL-8 at the height of the "Chicago Outfit" rule over the Republican party. Nicholas Keller I served in the 60-66th Generable assemblies.
Nick Keller State Rep Pen for sale on ebay
Around the Time Nicholas Keller was elected as 8th district state rep, "Republican committeeman and state Rep. Albert J. Prignano was shot to death in front of his wife, mother, and 8-year-old son on his doorstep. The year after that, state Rep. John Bolton of the West Side Bloc was shotgunned while driving his car. "
Before those incidents, the 1928 Republican Primary was known as "the pineapple primary" because 61 pineapple-shaped grenades were reportedly thrown during the election.
Kathy's father, Nicholas II, described by the Chicago Tribune as a "mob-clinked loan shark," was also a Republican candidate for Congress who worked behind the scenes for several campaigns, including Kathy's Husband, Al.
Nicholas II was arrested for collecting illegal debts on behalf of Chicago Outfit Cicero's underboss and alleged FBI informant James "Ice Pick" Inendino.
FBI Wiretaps of Nicholas Keller II and James Inendino
Keller allegedly wished to "blow away" an indebted cream shop owner, perhaps getting inspiration from Jimmy "ice pick" Inendino.
The conspiracy case Against Nicholas Keller I
Nicholas was convicted of the federal crime of illegal collection of debt and ordered to serve three years in prison.
While in prison, Kathy's father threatened Ronald Reagan.
Nicholas, I told Reagan via letter that if his sentence was not reduced by 66.6%, he would release information to Democrats about Reagan's FBI using drugs and selling children for sex
Nick Keller II letters to President Reagan
Despite being charged with a federal crime, Keller reduced his sentence.
Kathy Keller Salvi ought to have learned a lesson about the adverse effects of Al Capone Republicanism; however, she has embraced a self-destructive philosophy. Kathy financially supported Citizen Farmers United Pac, which runs like a loan shark.
Credit to Elgin GOP Enoch Essendrop. Follow Enoch on substack here
She took reckless risks with campaign finances, such as putting up her home as collateral for her long-shot congressional race and foregoing profits on her law firm's personal injury settlement to bankroll her husband's Senate campaign, which spurred election-affecting FEC complaints.
Chicago Tribune article on Al Salvi
Kathy would also be influenced by the toxic idea of internationalism.
Keller Salvi touts on her website about attending the UN Women's conference in Beijing, China, where unity is mandatory and dissent is criminal.
The unholy trifecta of personal injury law, Chicago Gangs, and the United Nations has misled Kathy Keller Salvi, who has never won an election until appointed state chair.
Photo Facebook
Kathy Keller Salvi’s short tenure as chair has already been filled with financial mismanagement, opaque deals with ILGOP decision-makers, and catastrophic electoral failures.
True to Al Capone-style politics, Kathy has actively made deals with friends and former foes, naming an unheard of three ILGOP Co-Chairs and a vice-chair.
Creating a campaign finance committee was seemingly another way to award potential supporters and feign detractors.
However, Kathy Keller Salvi broke Republican Bylaws by naming financial elderly abuser Brian Kasal as “campaign finance committee chairman.”
Facebook/ Brian Kasal
Illinois GOP bylaws mandate that the treasurer be the chair of the campaign finance committee.
Illinois Republican Party Bylaws
Many Illinois voters have had a relative suffer from financial elder abuse.
Financial elder abuse costs Americans an estimated 28 billion dollars a year and ranks near child molestation as one of the most culturally detestable crimes.
Facebook/ Brian Kasal
The Illinois Record believes Kathy damaged the reputation of the Illinois Republican Party by naming Kasal chair of the finance committee.
Facebook/ Brian Kasal with former Speaker Kevin McCarthy
Most disturbing, Kasal was found to have spoofed eighty-eight-year-old Josephine DesParte out of her 1.1 million dollar savings.
Facebook / Brian Kasal
The elderly woman trusted Kasal for years to keep her savings in safe investments and not actively trade. Without alerting his eighty-eight-year-old, Kasal allegedly created a fake email and impersonated him to feign permission to make risky trades. The elderly woman later claimed she did not have any emails or even own a computer at the time.
From the case summary against Kasal
Facebook / Brian Kasal
Kasal made off the trading commission, but the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to have caused eighty-eight-year-old Josephine DesParte over 1.1 million in improper damages.
After losing the elderly financial abuse case, Kasal started “four-star wealth advisers.”
Screen shot/ Four Star Wealth Advisot’s website
Four-star wealth advisors have become a haven for financial advisers with checkered pasts or regulatory complaints.
Most Four Star Wealth advisers have disclosures on Finra, several of which are recent.
At least two Four Star financial advisors have received suspensions this year, and at least one other served a suspension last year.
Various screen shots of FINRA broker reports on Four Star Wealth Advisor partners
Fieldstone Financial Management even chose Four Star Wealth Advisers to buy its company after the SEC targeted it for operating a Ponzi scheme.
FinancialPlanning.com’s Article about Brian Kasal’s acquisition can be found here
This is worth mentioning because “Studies by FINRA and research by academics have demonstrated that brokers and independent advisors with red flags are more likely to engage in misconduct in the future, says Christine Lazaro, director of the securities arbitration clinic at St. John’s University in New York.” The Illinois Record believes the same logic applies to politics.
Kathy fully knows Kasal’s background but embraced him during her failed Senate campaign. In fact, Kathy Keller Salvi was the featured speaker at the grand opening of Brian Kasal’s Chicago Northside GOP club office.
Facebook/ Kathy Keller Salvi speaks at the Chicago NorthsideGOP Office opening
Demonstrating that Kasal has not learned from his ways, his organization has operated like a money laundering operation.
The Chicago Northside GOP receives a monthly donation from the Citizen Farmers Combine PAC. The following week, the Chicago Northside GOP returns the money to "Surus," a company with the same owner and address.
Source Illinois Board of elections.
Kathy Keller Salvi financially supports the Citizen Farmers Combine PAC/ Surus scheme.
Additionally, every month, the Chicago Northside GOP gets money donated from the Chicago Republican Party, an organization that Kasal has voting power as a committeeman. The following week, the Chicago Northside GOP pays “Seneca Holdings” for the office space that Kasal subleased.
Source Illinois Board of election
Considering that the Chicago GOP’s office is rarely used during weekday hours, it is safe to assume that the Kasal can benefit from private use from the office.
Kathy may have unclean feet from standing barefoot on chairs, but she has gotten her hands dirty with ILGOP finance chairman Brian Kasal.
Facebook/ Kathy Salvi gives barefoot speech at the Chicago Northside GOP Club’s grand opening
Just three weeks ago, famous Chicago activist George Blakemore was denied entry to an Illinois Republican Event despite having bought a ticket.
41st ward committeeman Ammie Kessem allegedly disparaged Blakemore and barred him entry.
Facebook/ Kathy Salvi Ammie Kessem and her possible boy friend NWSGOP founder Matt Podgorski
This was optically bad due to Blakemore's prominence as an anti-corruption activist and 41st ward committeeman Kessem's reputation as a bigot.
Kasal and Kathy allegedly bought Blakemore a seafood lunch to make it up.
Facebook/ George Blakemore
This lunch occurred just a few weeks ago, and Kasal continued to describe himself as the “chairman of the finance committee” despite Kathy knowing it violated ILGOP bylaws.
The disregard for rules should be enough to remove Kathy Keller Salvi from office.
Finding a new chair may be burdensome for the Illinois Republican Party. Still, Salvi’s embracement of Al Capone Republicanism makes it impossible for cross-state Republican candidates to effectively run on an anti-crime and anti-corruption message.
Kathy Keller Salvi decries all criticism as a “violation of the 11th commandment.” However, the Illinois Record thinks political criticism is a critical feature of America and that the Lord told us not to add or subtract from the Commandments. 10 was enough.
It is becoming more and more apparent that the IL State GOP needs a Black Swan transformation in the 2026 mid-terms. A coalition of America First Conservatives and Patriot activists (aka MAGA Republicans) need to recruit appointed PC's to control the agenda over the next two years and to win elections in 2026. Stay the course and become elected PC's in 2026 to transform leadership. PC's are the Republican party. PC's are the definition of grass root activism. If you want to move the IL State GOP into the MAGA and MAHA Movement become an appointed PC today. if PC is not your desire then volunteer to support a primary candidate to run against the compromised office holders like Tony McCombie. Primaries are the way to purge a compromised elected official.
I've been voting Republican/Conservative since 1965. That being said, if the author wants to replace Salvi and her people, that's fine. Conversely, going back about 100 year in an attempt to smear her via her lineage is not OK.